Dungeon fighter online steam download registy information
Dungeon fighter online steam download registy information

Write operations against a location below %PROGRAMFILES%, %PROGRAMDATA%, or %WINDIR% are redirected to %LOCALAPPDATA%\VirtualStore on Windows Vista and later for processes running without elevation.For Steam games right-click the game in the Steam library and choose Properties, then go to the Local files tab and click Browse local files.For non-Steam games right click the shortcut and choose Open file location.Most games store saves and settings in the My Documents folder:įolders can can be found in /steamapps/compatdata//pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/ (and so forth). The default Steam library is in the same location as the Steam client (discussed later).Ĭustom Steam library folder(s) can be seen in Steam, Settings, Downloads, Steam library folders.Įxecutables can be found in \steamapps\common\. Save files are sometimes stored here as well but many newer games will put them in a different location.

dungeon fighter online steam download registy information

The game's installation folder is where the game's files are stored, displayed as.

Dungeon fighter online steam download registy information