How to get spotify artist url
How to get spotify artist url

how to get spotify artist url

If there are any terms or questions you have, we’re pretty sure the answers are in our In more depth / FAQs section at the bottom of this guide or some of the many linked articles and tutorials throughout.

how to get spotify artist url

It should all be quite straightforward, but don’t worry if some of it feels a little overwhelming, that’s normal with anything new. We’ll also look at some of the other cool things you can do, like adding Spotify Canvas videos to your tracks, and sharing these across social media channels to build your followers and generate more streams. In this guide we’re going to look at how to claim your Artist profile, tailor the different aspects of your Spotify artist account, start accessing lots of juicy in-depth Spotify data about your listeners (age, location, gender, and more), and, critically, understand what you can do with it to help your music career.

How to get spotify artist url